Are doctors experts on life expectancy?
In Doctors are not experts on life expectancy1 David Strauss and Robert Shavelle noted that some clinicians testifying as expert witnesses on life expectancy did
In Doctors are not experts on life expectancy1 David Strauss and Robert Shavelle noted that some clinicians testifying as expert witnesses on life expectancy did
Edward Tufte in San Francisco, 10 December 2013 Written by Reynolds RJ and Day SM on January 06 2014 We recently had the pleasure of
One of the most important aspects of good research is proper study design; no type or amount of statistical analysis can make up for a
As we saw in Part II of this three part series, there is something wrong with Figure 4 in Plioplys et al. 1998.1 As a matter
We now turn our attention to 1998 study by Plioplys et al.,1 and in particular to one of the many figures in the study: Figure 4.
Full disclosure: We consult professionally in the context of personal-injury litigation. One of us (SMD) has served on more than one occasion as an expert
Few scientists question the usefulness of randomized controlled trials in assessing the efficacy of medical interventions. Those who argue for more evidence-based medicine frequently highlight
1. the quality or state of being mortal.
2. the death of large numbers.
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