Simpson’s Paradox and the MLB
Well, it’s October, and the World Series is under way. Good time to talk baseball I’d say. So here’s a blast from my own past on the subject: Simpson’s Paradox
Well, it’s October, and the World Series is under way. Good time to talk baseball I’d say. So here’s a blast from my own past on the subject: Simpson’s Paradox
Edward Tufte in San Francisco, 10 December 2013 Written by Reynolds RJ and Day SM on January 06 2014 We recently had the pleasure of attending a seminar by one
One of the most important aspects of good research is proper study design; no type or amount of statistical analysis can make up for a poorly designed study. In longitudinal
As we saw in Part II of this three part series, there is something wrong with Figure 4 in Plioplys et al. 1998.1 As a matter of fact, there is something
We now turn our attention to 1998 study by Plioplys et al.,1 and in particular to one of the many figures in the study: Figure 4. We choose to focus on
Full disclosure: We consult professionally in the context of personal-injury litigation. One of us (SMD) has served on more than one occasion as an expert witness opposite Dr Audrius Plioplys.
In Part 2, I detailed how I gathered individual measurements of equivalent radiation doses for locations in outer space. Here I relate how I converted those measurements into a useful
In order to estimate radiation doses in space, I had to make some basic assumptions. First, I assumed that radiation dose levels would vary by some measurable factors: altitude, orbital
As part of my doctoral dissertation for my PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, I completed a three-phase project which asked whether the
1. the quality or state of being mortal.
2. the death of large numbers.
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